Mission Statement
SYGNOMICS aims to help clinicians improve patient outcomes at scale by accurately applying systems biology to cancer care.
SYGNOMICS is developing an end-to-end solution that uses a unique and disruptive approach to enable personalized precision medicine for cancer patients. This solution will be powered by the Systems Genetics Network AnaLysis (SYGNAL) technology, which can accurately risk stratify a patient and personalize therapies (drugs and drug combinations) based on the unique characteristics of transcriptional “programs” underlying their disease.

Our Story
SYGNAL emerged in a unique cross-disciplinary environment at the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB, co-founded by genomics pioneer Leroy Hood) through biological need-driven advancements and iterative experimental tests with patient-derived tissues. The technology and its applications to two cancers (glioblastoma (a solid tumor, Cell Systems (2016), NPJ Precision Oncology (2022) and multiple myeloma (MM, a liquid tumor, NPJ Precision Oncology) are published or in the review in high-profile journals. Using two gifts from Washington Research Foundation, we performed preliminary clinical validations and confirmed that SYGNAL is unique and that it will address an important unmet need by powering an end-to-end service to help clinicians personalize therapies to each patient. The service is now being commercialized by a new startup Sygnomics, co-founded by Dr. Nitin Baliga, (PI), inventor of the SYGNAL technology and a founding member and Director of ISB, and Mr. Ashutosh Tiwary (Co-I), a serial technology entrepreneur who has founded many successful companies.